Sr High baseball game for today (Thurs, 3/7) has been canceled due to the rain.
6 months ago, Manda Jackson
Reminder that only 5th and 6th graders will have pee wees tomorrow, starting at 4:30.
6 months ago, Manda Jackson
The Cougars opened high school baseball season last night with a 4-2 win over Mt. Vernon Enola. Go, Cougars!
6 months ago, Manda Jackson
After School Program students are learning to be leaders! These students have volunteered a topic to teach and are taking turns teaching the class new skills and activities.
6 months ago, Alicia Pepper
After School Program students are learning to be leaders!
After School Program students are learning to be leaders!
After School Program students are learning to be leaders!
After School Program students are learning to be leaders!
After School Program students are learning to be leaders!
After School Program students are learning to be leaders!
After School Program students are learning to be leaders!
After School Program students are learning to be leaders!
After School Program students are learning to be leaders!
After School Program students are learning to be leaders!
The Lady Cougars opened their softball season today with a 13-1 win over the Highland Lady Rebels at Lady Cougar Field! The Lady Cougars were led by Tinlee Bailey with 2 hits, 3 RBI, run scored; Quinn Johnson, 2 hits including a triple, 2 RBI, 3 runs scored; Hollie Johnson and Megan McBride, hit, RBI, run scored each; Emily Stephens, run, RBI. Megan McBride went the distance on the mound, giving up 2 hits, 1 run, with 10 strikeouts.
6 months ago, Manda Jackson
Updated School Calendar Reminders March 15: In Session April 8: No School May 22: Last Day of School
6 months ago, Manda Jackson
school calendar
Great season by the Lady Cougars! They made it to the Final Four for the first time in school history with wins over Bigelow, Marshall, Earle, and Acorn in the regional and state tournament. They battled hard until the last second last night. The Lady Cougars finished 25-12 on the season and most of the players return for next year. Congrats, Lady Cougars, Head Coach David Harmon, and assistant coaches Kyle McCandlis and Andrew Walker!
6 months ago, Manda Jackson
No pee wee games vs Highland on Monday. They'll give us a make up date soon.
6 months ago, Manda Jackson
The Izard County Quiz Bowl team are the Champions of the 2A North Regional Quiz Bowl Tournament held Saturday, March 2 at Cotter High School. The Cougars tallied a 4 - 1 record for the day and will advance to the State tournament in Magnolia on Saturday, April 13. IC 220 - Quitman150 IC 230 - Cotter 110 IC 185 - Midland 80 IC 205 - Yellville-Summit 120 IC 170 - Southside Bee Branch 200 (Overtime) Case Everett led the team with 4.6 toss-ups per game, and Carson Mahan contributed 4 questions per match. Congratulations and good luck at State!
6 months ago, Manda Jackson
quiz bowl
ICC Lady Cougars defeat Earle, 77-55, in the first round of the Basketball State Tournament! Lady Cougars will play again tomorrow night, March 1st, at 7 PM. There will be no afterschool program tomorrow to allow all of Cougar Nation the opportunity to go cheer them on! Go, Lady Cougars!
6 months ago, Sarah Burns
The Izard County Sr. High Quiz Bowl team placed 4th in the NAESC tournament held at Ozarka College on Wednesday. The Cougars tallied a 3 - 2 record in double elimination play with wins over Midland, Melbourne, and Highland; with both losses coming in matches against Mtn. View. Congratulations on a great tournament!
6 months ago, Manda Jackson
Sr High qb
πŸ“£JUST INπŸ“£ A generous donor has volunteered to pay for basketball tickets for ALL 7-12th grade students who want to go!!! Those who have already turned in their money will get that back. The pep bus will leave the Fine Arts parking lot at 9:30 AM on Thurs, 2/29/24. If you havent yet turned in the permission slip, you can get one signed at drop off. This is for ICC students to attend the state tournament in Mansfield that our Lady Cougars are playing in.
6 months ago, Manda Jackson
🐴 Open Arena 🐴 If you'd like to try out the new Cougars Roping & Riding Arena, join us on Wednesday, March 6 (see times below)! Any area 7th-12th grade student with a horse can come practice; spectators without a horse are also welcome. SCHEDULE 5:00-6:30 Barrels and Poles 6:30-8:30 Roping (Team, Tie Down, and Breakaway)
6 months ago, Manda Jackson
Good Luck to Senior High Quiz Bowl team, competing at Ozarka today!
6 months ago, Manda Jackson
Peewee games for Thursday, 2/29/24, against Mt View have been postponed.
6 months ago, Manda Jackson
πŸ€ 4th, 5th, 6th grade Pee Wee games tonight (Tues) at home, starting at 4:30 PM πŸ€
6 months ago, Manda Jackson
Parents/Guardians, BMI screenings will begin on Monday, March 4. Please be on the lookout for additional information that is coming home with your students.
6 months ago, Manda Jackson
Parent Notice
Link for tickets to the 2A State Basketball Tournament - Izard County Lady Cougars play Thursday at 4 PM.
6 months ago, Manda Jackson
We are excited to announce the addition of Reid and Alexis Maag to the Cougar family for the 2024-25 school year! Reid will be the new offensive coordinator for the Cougar football team and an assistant coach for the Cougar baseball team. He will also teach math. Alexis will be assisting the Lady Cougar volleyball and softball teams. Reid has a BSE from Henderson State University and was a standout quarterback and baseball player for Highland. He is an assistant football and baseball coach at DeQueen this school year. Alexis has an MBA from Henderson State University and played college volleyball and softball at HSU. She was a graduate assistant at HSU and taught one year as a middle school teacher. Lexis currently works as a Testing Analyst in the private sector. Reid and Alexis have one son, Henry. We are excited for the Reid family to join Cougar Nation!
6 months ago, Manda Jackson
Maag Family
Parents, be on the lookout for this form to come home with your student this week. The deadline to return is Friday, March 1!
6 months ago, Manda Jackson
summer ball form